Level 2 Tumbling (Thursday) - Drop-In
Build power, strength, speed, and technique in your tumbling skills!
Service Description
Level up your tumbling skills with quality reps, drills, spotting, and expert feedback from your coaches! The level 2 class will focus on back and front handspring power and technique along with advanced connections (Cartwheel, Back walk-over, and multiple handspring). Front handsprings, fly-springs, and multiple handsprings will be introduced to running tumbling. Athletes should have mastered front and back walkovers before registering in L2 tumbling, those still working on these skill can consider L1 or L1 advanced tumbling classes.
Upcoming Sessions
Refund and Cancellation Policy
The comprehensive refund policy is available at the following link: https://www.alphacheer.ca/refund-policy
Contact Details
45 Eric T Smith Way, Aurora, ON, Canada