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Competitive Team Placements

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Step 1

Team Placements are a multi-step process that begins with your registration today - For full details refer to the information package

All Athletes must fill out the placement information form:

If already completed, please scroll to 'Step 2' below

Previous Team Experience:
Most Recent Stunt Role(s):

Please indicate using the stars below your interest in the following season items. If not applicable, choose 1 star:

Rate your interest in a crossover position (participation on 2 teams)
Not interestedRather notWould consider itInterestedLove to!

Crossover interest (participation on 2 teams):

Rate your interest in a crossover position (participation on 2 teams)
Not interestedRather notWould consider itInterestedLove to!

The All Star Travel team:

Worlds Team Participation

Please only complete if relevant

Placement Information Received! -- Thank you! Please proceed to book your athlete into a placement session!

Step 2

Choose your competitive stream and book a placement slot:

Not sure which stream is right for you? Check the table below

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Novice registration will happen over the summer - Novice athletes looking to stay active before September are encouraged to join summer recreational cheer!

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