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Competitive Team Placements

Make sure you have completed the Placement Information Form on the previous page. This only needs to be done once per athlete. 
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Determine your athlete's youngest age division eligibility

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Click on your age division for Placement booking options:

Why am I with the youngest division eligibility? I was on an older team this this year - Grouping by youngest age division helps us divide interested athletes among placement groups, better understand team formation options, keep structure and fairness in the process, and maintain age cohorts from the outset. Athletes will be considered for team placement across the full range of their eligibility if it makes sense for them and the team, and in some instances may be invited to attend an older team placement if necessary. 


U6 Team Placements

Athletes in this age division aren't required to come to placements - Most that are new to cheer and eligible for this division will start on a Novice team. Novice team registration will open this summer and practices will begin in September. 

If your athlete is U6 eligible, and you think they have the skill and experience to be on a Prep or All Star team, you are welcome to register for an individual assessment (tumbling), or the U8 Placement session (see section below). 

U8 Team Placements


Athletes in this age division should register for the placement session below. If you would specifically like to be considered in the role of a flyer, you should additionally register for the flyer-specific placement class. The flyer placement registration is optional.

U8 Season 2 PLacement Session

Sat May 4 - 5:00 - 6:30 PM

U8 Flyer PLacement Session

Wed May 8 - 6:30 - 7:45 PM
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